Mary Ellen Watson

Writer of Evelyn Underhill and Frank Weston

 Mary Ellen died early in 2020. Below are selected messages from her about the two icons she worked on. She began to refer to Evelyn Underhill and Frank Weston as “the Folks.”


Thank you Bob, this is very helpful.  My teacher is very Orthodox and I was imprinted during a vulnerable time in my life. :)   …  

The time is good too as it gives me time to get to know them and work something up to show you.  

Egg tempera and gold leaf is what I use too and routed wood is most appropriate.  We saw a picture of a St. Francis done in acrylic and someone asked Vladislov if that was a good icon or a bad icon.  Vladislov said, "Is not good icon or bad icon.  Is icon or not icon."   Anything that wasn't live or had been live was a 'not icon'. …

Happy day, happy new year, happy life,



They're good Folks.  It has been a blessing for me in this part of my journey.  Thank you.

I was working on Evelyn's halo/gold.  I was having some trouble and finally, frustrated said, " I could use some help here!"  Instantly she replied, quiet, humble, firm--- " I didn't ask for this you know."

That hit me like a ton of bricks.  It had never occurred to me to ask, that they even had an opinion.  After I caught my breath, I got all the help I needed. :)


The Folks are still drying.  I was hoping they would be done by now.
Been almost a month.  Humidity in Arkansas in the summer... they are a wee bit tacky yet.  Would you like to see a picture of them?

Be good to you


And with Evelyn, I should amend her comment to me, it was not 'firm' but ' matter of fact.  And she helped me with a lot of things/issues.  She is also fine with it.

They both helped me move through a lot of things. 

Amen.  So have you.  I appreciate your patience with me.  I do envy your apparent complete trust, in me and in the process.  You are a kind and beautiful soul.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  Amen

Mary Ellen


You are very kind. Patience comes easier to me as I get older. 



I do want to thank you for your Christmas blessings.  I trust you had a most beautiful Advent.  I remember you have a very special feeling in your heart for the season.

I did not reply as I was in rehab for the holiday.  As it happens, my physical body would like your prayers.  

The prayer is one I give for others as I don't know what is appropriate for the person and I trust the Angels and God, know what's appropriate.  The body, God energy, knows what to do with the love sent to body.

I got dizzy on Dec 2, collapsed and ended up breaking the three bones in my right ankle.  Turns out, after a bit of drs. and tests, I was anemic, 6.5, and was sent to hospital, there found out I also have stage 4 colon/rectal cancer and will be getting chemo therapy starting next Wednesday.  Also metastaticized to lungs.  Other tests, show its other places however no masses.  Chemo and other treatments will be able to treat the issue.  I was in hospital and rehab from Dec. 11, to Dec. 27.  Home that time.  Had a soft cast til had surgery on Dec 14.  Had ankle repaired, and then colostomy bag to bypass the tumor.  He said I had had it for years, and was too big to do surgery.  So we intend to shrink it.  Then surgery and eventually reattach rectum.  We'll see.. :)

The prayer is:  "May the Divine Plan, manifest Divine Adjustment in this condition, in Divine Law and Order."  This way all bodies are in Divine healing, according to God/Source.

I thank you for your prayers, if you are so called to do so.

Blessings for you and your work.

Mary Ellen


I will offer prayer. I did so earlier, before the Evelyn Underhill icon you did.

I'm sorry you're going through this. It must seem overwhelming.  … May the Divine Charity be with you in all that's ahead.
